ACS NLCRT Strategic Plan Article Series
The Strategic Plan Article Series will be published in Cancer as 15 separate open-access articles focused on the work of the ACS NLCRT Task Groups. The manuscripts will summarize the current state, needs, and barriers to implementing best practices in the lung cancer field.
The Task Groups will identify best practices for improving guideline-adherent care, and the strategic plan will describe the role of the ACS NLCRT and the essential roles of member organizations.
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable Strategic Plan: Introduction to the Series

Ella A. Kazerooni MD, MS; Douglas E. Wood MD; Lauren S. Rosenthal MPH; Robert A. Smith PhD
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Provider engagement and outreach
Jennifer A. Lewis MD, MS, MPH; Deborah E. Klein MD; Jan M. Eberth PhD, FACE; Lisa Carter-Bawa PhD, APRN, ANP-C, FAAN; Jamie L. Studts PhD; Betty C. Tong MD, MHS, MS; Robert A. Smith PhD; Ella A. Kazerooni MD, MS; Thomas P. Houston MD

The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Implementation of high-quality lung cancer screening

Joelle T. Fathi DNP, MN; Angela M. Barry MA; Grant M. Greenburg MD, MHSA, MA; Claudia I. Henschke PhD, MD; Ella A. Kazerooni MD, MS; Jane J. Kim MD, MPH; Peter J. Mazzone MD, MPH; James L. Mulshine MD; Bruce S. Pyenson FSA, MAA; Lillie D. Shockney MAS, BS; Robert A. Smith PhD; Renda Soylemez Wiener MD, MPH; Charles S. White MD; Carey C. Thomson MD, MPH; for the ACS NLCRT Implementation Strategies Task Group
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Lung cancer in women
Leah M. Backhus MD, MPH; Ching-Fei Chang MD; Lori C. Sakoda PhD, MPH; Shonta R. Chambers MSW; Louise M. Henderson PhD, MSPH; Claudia I. Henschke PhD, MD; Gina J. Hollenbeck RN, BSN; Francine L. Jacobson MD, MPH; Linda W. Martin MD, MPH; Elridge D. Proctor MPA; Joan H. Schiller MD; Jill M. Siegfried PhD; Juan P. Wisnivesky MD, DrPH; Andrea S. Wolf MD, MPH; Ahmedin Jemal DVM, PhD; Karen Kelly MD; Kim L. Sandler MD; Patricia N. Watkins BS; Robert A. Smith PhD; M. Patricia Rivera MD

Current Challenges and Future Directions for Shared Decision Making for Lung Cancer Screening: A Report from the American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable Shared Decision-Making Task Group

Robert J. Volk PhD; Ronald E. Myers DSW, PhD; Douglas Arenberg MD; Tanner J. Caverly MD, MPH; Richard M. Hoffman MD, MPH; Hormuzd A. Katki PhD; Peter J. Mazzone MD, MPH; Benjamin W. Moulton JD, MPH; Daniel S. Reuland MD, MPH; Nichole T. Tanner MD, MSCR; Robert A. Smith PhD; Renda Soylemez Wiener MD, MPH
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Advancing comprehensive biomarker testing in non–small cell lung cancer
Adam H. Fox MD, MS; Raymond U. Osarogiagbon MBBS; Farhood Farjah MD, MPH; James R. Jett MD; Bruce E. Johnson MD; M. Patricia Rivera MD; Robert A. Smith PhD; Ignacio I. Wistuba MD; Gerard A. Silvestri MD, MS

The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Optimizing strategies for lung nodule evaluation and management

Julie A. Barta MD; Farhood Farjah MD, MPH; Carey Conley Thomson MD, MPH; Debra S. Dyer MD; Renda Soylemez Wiener MD, MPH; Christopher G. Slatore MD, MS; Rebecca Smith-Bindman MD; Lauren S. Rosenthal MPH; Gerard A. Silvestri MD, MS; Robert A. Smith PhD; Michael K. Gould MD, MS
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Methods for improving turnaround time of comprehensive biomarker testing in non–small cell lung cancer
Sinchita Roy-Chowdhuri MD, PhD; Haresh Mani MD; Adam H. Fox MD; Anne Tsao MD; Lynette M. Sholl MD; Farhood Farjah MD; Bruce E. Johnson MD; Raymond U. Osarogiagbon MBBS; M. Patricia Rivera MD; Gerard A. Silvestri MD; Robert A. Smith PhD; Ignacio I. Wistuba MD

The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable strategic plan: Promoting guideline-concordant lung cancer staging

Farhood Farjah MD, MPH; Julie A. Barta MD; Douglas E. Wood MD; M. Patricia Rivera MD; Raymond U. Osarogiagbon MBBS; Robert A. Smith PhD; Timothy W. Mullett MD; Lauren S. Rosenthal MPH; Louise M. Henderson PhD; Frank C. Detterbeck MD; Gerard A. Silvestri MD, MS