Jamie S. Ostroff, PhD

Steering Committee Member
Tobacco Treatment Across the Care Continuum Task Group Chair
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Jamie S. Ostroff, PhD, CTTS, NCTTP, does independent and collaborative research that focuses on developing, evaluating, and implementing innovative, theory-driven, multi-level interventions to increase integration of evidence-based tobacco treatments and promote tobacco cessation, particularly among cancer patients, those seeking lung cancer screening, low-income smokers, and other vulnerable populations. Dr. Ostroff has published 150+ peer-reviewed papers demonstrating specific expertise in the assessment and treatment of tobacco dependence as well as tobacco-related health disparities. Dr. Ostroff is currently co-leading a multi-institutional partnership project focusing on training new investigators and building research capacity to address racial and ethnic disparities in smoking prevalence and use of evidence-based tobacco treatment and cessation outcomes. Dr. Ostroff also has clinical expertise in addressing the challenges associated with delivery of tobacco treatment in routine cancer care. Dr. Ostroff serves as Director of Memorial Sloan-Kettering’s Tobacco Treatment Program, a multidisciplinary, hospital-based, cessation program for tobacco dependent cancer patients providing evidence-based counseling and pharmacotherapy. Her primary clinical, training and research focuses on developing, evaluating and implementing tobacco use assessment and treatment in cancer care settings. Dr. Ostroff serves on the NCI/AACR Task Force on Assessment of Tobacco Use, the ASCO Tobacco Control Subcommittee of Cancer Prevention Committee, the Lung Cancer Alliance’s Medical and Professional Advisory Board and the National Lung Cancer Roundtable of the American Cancer Society.