Best Practice Guide for Building Lung Cancer Early Detection Programs Data Template

This template is designed for you to demonstrate what lung cancer looks like in your facility/system before starting an IPN and/or LCS program, and what changes you see with implementation. You can use the template year over year to monitor continued progress as well. Collect as much information as possible. If your facility has a Cancer Center or a Tumor Registrar, this information should be accessible through them. Any amount of information will be helpful to understanding your baseline current status, and how patients detected early through IPN or lung cancer screening programs compare with non lung cancers found outside of these early detection programs, in particular if you are seeing a stage shift to earlier cancers. By collecting information on race/ethnicity, gender, and insurance status, you can also look at the impact on different populations you serve in your community, and where focused efforts are important to increase early detection.
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Cancer Statistics Center
The ACS’ Cancer Statistics Center website gives the user an opportunity to explore, interact with, and share cancer statistics.

Updates Regarding Biomarker Testing For Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Considerations From The National Lung Cancer Roundtable
Updates Regarding Biomarker Testing For Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Considerations From The National Lung Cancer Roundtable

Accelerating Uptake of Lung Cancer Screening Summit Executive Summary
The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable (ACS NLCRT) held its inaugural summit on Accelerating Uptake of Lung Cancer Screening on July 19-20, 2022, in Washington, DC. Increasing lung cancer screening has long been a priority of the NLCRT and its members. The goal of the summit was to accelerate the uptake of lung cancer screening by creating a shared understanding of the current state of screening, identifying key challenges and barriers, and developing and prioritizing strategies to build a comprehensive framework that engages key partners with actionable recommendations.