Best Practice Guide for Building Lung Cancer Early Detection Programs

The Best Practice Guide for Building Lung Cancer Early Detection Programs is designed to help health facilities create, expand, or improve lung cancer early detection programs, including programs for management of incidental pulmonary nodules (IPNs) and lung cancer screening. This guide is meant to complement existing resources and focuses on basic steps to plan, launch, grow, and optimize early detection programs.

The three phases are:

1) Needs Assessment and Making the Case

2) Program Planning

3) Implementation and Sustainability

The guide includes extensive outside resource links for additional resources, case studies, forms and templates, and health equity resources.

Watch the Launch Webinar (held October 15, 2024) to learn the who, what, and why on this incredible new resource.


The American Cancer Society National Lung Cancer Roundtable (ACS NLCRT) is thankful for the collaboration of AstraZeneca, the U.S. Lung Ambition Alliance, the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators, and the American Cancer Society, which partnered to create the ACS NLCRT Best Practice Guide for Building Lung Cancer Early Detection Programs. We are grateful for the financial support from our sponsors, especially AstraZeneca, which supported the development of this important resource. We especially wish to thank members of the ACS NLCRT Lung Cancer Early Detection Implementation Strategies Task Group and Provider Engagement and Outreach Task Group, along with our executive leadership team, for their dedication, expertise, and the many hours of review and deliberation that went into developing the Guide. We also thank our consultants, Small Spark Consulting and Ohlander Consulting Services, Inc., for their strong partnership in bringing this project to fruition.

The Acknowledgments are continued on pages 3-4 of the guide itself.