Tobacco Treatment in the Context of Lung Cancer Screening Task Group

Task Group Charge:

Guided by best practices, research findings and engagement with key stakeholders, the charge is to develop blueprints for integrating and monitoring success of implementing evidence-based tobacco treatment in the workflow of lung cancer screening.

Task Group Members

Thomas Boyle
Patient Advocate,  Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

Paul Cinciripini, PhD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

Angela Criswell, MA
GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer

Neal Freedman, MD, MPH
National Cancer Institute

S. Jane Henley, MSPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Jonathon Hontzas, AGACNP-BC, DNP
University of Mississippi Medical Center

Thomas Houston, MD*
The Ohio State University

Hasmeena Kathuria, MD
Boston University

Stephanie Land, PhD
National Cancer Institute

Elyse Park, PhD, MPH
Massachusetts General Hospital

(*) indicates Steering Committee member

Bradley Pua, MD
Weill Cornell Medicine

Theresa Roelke, MSN
Maine Medical Center

Peter Shields, MD
The Ohio State University

Kathryn Taylor, PhD
Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center

Benjamin Toll, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina

Brenna VanFrank, MD, MSPH
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Graham Warren, MD, PhD
Medical University of South Carolina

Opportunities For Intervention/Influence:

  • Summarize current literature/seminal papers/allied initiatives
  • Conduct and disseminate findings from a national representative survey of current practices, organizational priority, and perceived barriers for tobacco cessation treatment delivery from stratified random sample of ACR (and/or LCA) designated lung cancer screening sites.
  • Identify and address barriers for implementation of evidence-based smoking cessation treatment in the context of lung cancer screening.
  • Create blueprints for integrating smoking cessation advice and treatment in the context of lung cancer screening workflow across various lung cancer screening settings, including encounters with the referring healthcare professional, both when discussing screening and when discussing the results.
  • Develop and promote use of quality metrics for smoking cessation treatment process and outcomes in the context of lung cancer screening Create toolkit for integration of smoking cessation in lung cancer screening
  • Create toolkit for integration of smoking cessation in lung cancer screening, for instance:
    • Staff training/Provider education and tools (evidence based pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments, billing and coding, and policies around reimbursement)
    • Electronic health record modules (treatment reference resources, templates, order sets)
    • Patient education and support tools